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self-referrals to safe haven
Our preference for assisting women escaping domestic abuse and coercive control, is to be referred to us by a state or community agency. However, in some circumstances this is not possible.
If you are having trouble registering with these type of DV support services, you can contact us on 1800 042 836 and we will endeavour to help you as much as possible. To be eligible for Safe Haven Community support you must be able to answer YES to the following questions:
I am in an abusive relationship but there is no physical violence currently
I am not homeless, but I can't stay where I am any longer and I have nowhere else to go
I have been turned away from DV or Homelessness help-lines because I don’t fit their criteria
Safe Haven Community will provide a Case Worker to conduct an initial risk assessment. If we conclude that providing a Safe Haven Community placement would not be putting you or any of our Accommodation Providers at risk then we may be able to assist in the provision of a community placement.
We assist women and their children who are;
at risk of or currently experiencing domestic or family abuse or;
at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness due to domestic violence
25 Years or above (or accompanied by a guardian)
eligible for Centrelink benefits or have access to personal funds (room costs vary)
confirmed to be low risk by a qualified Safe Haven Risk assessment worker
For Safe Haven Community accommodation support
call 1800 042 836
NOTE: We cannot guarantee the provision of any accommodation or other services if we are not comfortable with our perceived level of risk. Safety for all Guests and Accommodation Providers is our highest priority.

Australia has a critical shortage of accommodation for low-risk women wishing to leave abusive relationships