May marks Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month to raise community awareness of domestic and family violence (DFV) and to send a clear message that DFV in families and homes will not be tolerated.
A Special Task Force report on DFV recommended that individuals, community groups and the private sector work together to help prevent DFV and to support those affected, and it's in this spirit that Safe Haven is holding our major fundraising event for this year: The World's Biggest Dinner Party, to raise funds to aid our important work assisting women and their children impacted by domestic abuse and coercive control.
May 14, 2022 is the inaugural World's Biggest Dinner Party, becoming what will be an annual event. It's not just one party but many parties held at the same time all across Australia and even other parts of the world, coming together through social media and online streaming to support women and children whose lives have been impacted by DFV.
Register your Dinner Party via our website and join us to be part of this exciting, global event and become a part of our important work. Your dinner party can be as formal or informal as you like, from a sit down fine dining experience, to a casual Bar-b-Que, and everything in between.
Every dollar you raise is going to make an incredible difference. Your involvement will help raise funds to provide crucial accommodation services and desperately needed additional case management, counselling, court attendance and other support services for women and their kids impacted by domestic abuse.
Visit our website for more details and Register your World's Biggest Dinner Party. Get your friends, family and work colleagues together, and help support those impacted by domestic and family violence.

The Inaugural World's Biggest Dinner Party would not have been possible without the generous support and sponsorship of White Lady Funerals