SafeHaven Executive Director, Jaeneen Cunningham featured in the June Marie Claire special report on domestic violence and abuse during the COVID 19 lockdown: Alone. Afraid. Abused: The Terrifying Rise Of Domestic Violence In Isolation.
The report highlights the difficulty refuges and other crisis accommodation are having assisting the growing number of women seeking assistance, and raises the spectre of a potential spike in domestic abuse after the lockdown ends.
As well as Safe Haven, the article features contributions from The Northern Beaches Women's Shelter and reports from Women's Safety NSW
Thanks Alexandra Carlton at Marie Claire and to all involved and all who contributed. And thank you for bringing attention to Australia's other pandemic, domestic violence.
If you are experiencing abuse or violence it is not your fault. There are support services that can help you. If your life is in danger, call 000. For 24/7 domestic violence counselling call the National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line on 1800 RESPECT That's 1800 737 732.