Help us build a safe home and protect women and their children from
domestic abuse
Women are the fastest growing group of homeless people in Australia, and domestic and family violence is the leading cause given for homelessness from people seeking specialist support. 1
We need options to help transition women and their children into more permanent accommodation, that's why we're committed to establishing fully owned and operated, purpose built Safe Houses, complete with individual room amenities and ALL support services.
We've already built our first Safe Home as transitional accommodation, so we know what we're doing when it comes to getting women out of harm and into safety. Unfortunately the current extreme levels of homelessness means the demand for this type of service is greater now more then ever so we have plans on the table to start our second Safe Home very soon.
You can help build someone's future
We have builders, tradespeople, suppliers, and councils, all ready to assist with their expertise and services to help with the construction of this next Safe House Project. But we need your help to make the project a reality.
Once completed, this new development will provide women with an additional 1820 nights of safety per year. Your donation will go towards securing a site, building the complex and funding operating costs and support services to help move women at risk into more stable, longer-term accommodation. This kind of action is crucial to get women away from abusive partners and the real possibility of further serious, physical and emotional harm.
buy a brick and help build someone's future
thank you
Your generous contribution will help us develop this important asset, grow our service and provide vital support to women when they leave an abusive relationship
If you prefer, you can Donate direct to our Bank Account:
Safe Haven Community Limited
BSB: 484 799
Account: 610 263 320
Reference: (your last name)
Contact us and send your email so we can send you your Receipt
All donations $2.00 and over are tax deductible

#EndDomesticViolence Now



The number one reason women will not leave a family
violence situation is the fear of homelessness
The need to give women a real option to remove themselves and their children from abusive homes is so crucial, now more than ever. With your help, Safe Haven Community can be one small part of a solution that helps to end violence against women by offering a safe place to stay.
Your Tax deductible donation will help provide 1820 nights of secure accommodation for 30 women and their children in a year